NFT Lending Test-Net Announcement!

:mega: Paribus Upcoming NFT Lending Testnet Announcement!

:date: Mark your calendars: Next Friday, February 2nd, witness the debut of our NFT Lending on the Ethereum Sepolia test-net!

:hammer_and_wrench: We’re putting our NFT lending infrastructure to the test, aiming to gather valuable feedback and rigorously stress test the protocol before the Mainnet launch with real NFTs.

:cherries:To sweeten the experience, we will be introducing a faucet system, allowing users to easily claim TestNFTs., enabling them to experience borrowing on the protocol firsthand.

:tada: But wait, there’s more! Three lucky borrowers on the Testnet will be gifted 200$ in $PBX

Here’s how to participate:

  1. Borrow on the Testnet using your NFT.
  2. Share a screenshot of your borrowing experience, tagging Paribus’ main Twitter account.
  3. Post it on Twitter and submit your participation link through the dedicated Discord channel: Discord

Don’t miss out on this exclusive opportunity to shape the future of NFT lending with Paribus! :globe_with_meridians: Become part of the Paribus DAO today by staking your PBX on Governance at:


Will this apply to those that have staked on the Governance? As I’ve staked 100% of my holdings in my wallet.

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Excellent progress by the team that delivers !


Testnet is for everyone including stakers.

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The app is easy to understand and it works smooth as butter :blush: Grats

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