First LP Markets!

Hello to everyone!

As most of you know Paribus is bringing a few significant upgrades to end the year strong , This of course includes our brand new collateral type this time in the form of liquidity position tokens. (LP)

When we first worked on LP solutions, it was exclusively designed for Uniswap V2-V3 pools. However, as we launched on Arbitrum, we saw a young and promising ecosystem emerging.
To support this growth, we expanded our solution to include Camelot, the largest native DEX on Arbitrum, by adding support for Algebra DEX LPs.

Each LP token deposited on Paribus will mint an NFT bond that represents the DEX origin, Loan to Value ratio (LTV) on collateral , and realtime on-chain liquid value.
After depositing, users can borrow from any single-sided markets up to their borrowing limits. Liquidations on the LP token will take effect when borrowing limit Is exceeded, this will show on the liquidation tab and be available to liquidate by anyone.

Here are the whitelisted LP Markets:

LTV % for each market :
ARB/ETH Algebra V3 60%

USDT/USDC Algebra V3 80%

PBX/USDT Algebra V3 30%

Grail/USDC.e Algebra V3 70%

Future Plans:

We will continue expanding LP markets by adding more LP tokens as collateral. Additionally, LTV ratios will be dynamically adjusted through the On-chain DAO to ensure optimal risk management and support for various market conditions.

We want your feedback! :thinking:

Which LP markets would you like to see listed on Paribus next?

Let us know in the comments and help shape the future of DeFi!


Hey Paribus Team

Loving the upgrades! Expanding to Algebra LPs on Arbitrum is a solid move, and it’s great seeing support for native ecosystems like Camelot. For future LP markets, how about adding more stable pairs, like ETH/USDT or ETH/DAI? They’d attract users looking for lower-risk options while still making the most of their liquidity. Excited to see where this goes!


This revamp, if we can call it that, is great. I’m looking forward to these being implemented. It’ll most certainly bring more users to the protocol.

Great work!

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Im very glad as this is a much expected feature. Team congrats and very well done.


Hello! This is exciting news and a great step forward for Paribus. I’d love to see a GMX/USDC LP market added to the lineup. GMX’s strong presence in the Arbitrum ecosystem would make it a valuable addition, giving users more flexibility and attracting even more liquidity.

Looking forward to these updates and seeing the impact on DeFi!

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Seems good to project to add more LP pairs but what’s the vision ? One per year ? I hope it will be at least several per year.

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I would like to see a PBX/Eth and a Lumia/Pbx in next future
Best of luck

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